I dreamed last night that my ex-wife, a JW, had a full beard.
i live in a pretty conservative area of the united states, and in the past two decades i can remember 2, that's right, two instances of seeing a jw with a beard in my area.
(not counting myself at times, 😜, and i'm obviously not counting bearded visitors dressed in casual clothes).. however at this year's convention, i saw about a dozen bearded jws .
this is like an explosion where i live.
I dreamed last night that my ex-wife, a JW, had a full beard.
why do the gb stonewall individuals with legitimate questions.
for example, they refuse to speak to investagative journalists like trey bundy, unless they happen to get caught somewhere walking about in the street by chance.. i remember the panorama documentary 'suffer the little children' where the presenter tried to arrange an interview with one of the gb.
i can't remember if the gb either refused or simply didn't reply.
I have a video interview of two Irish brothers who came to Brooklyn in order to talk with the GB about their concerns of unrest in Ireland's congregations. It was, I believe, after the Ray Franz incident.
The GB refused to see them.
well now; filming on the set of 'planet of the apes' was a blast.
being the 'muscle' in general aldo's militia was a great opportunity for kicking some serious butt.
i'm looking forward to having another crack at it.. .
"You, young lady, front row, second on my right, are the gorilla my dreams!"
my dad died of a blood clot as a result of surgery late last year.
to say that his death created a bottomless void in our family is an understatement.
i think about him every day, sometimes constantly.
Blessings and Peace during a very sad time, My name IS of consequence:
I am taken aback a little bit because you are writing my story. Same circumstances, same cool dad. He was fine Friday night at the hospital and we said an affectionate good night. We were discussing a new menu to help him control his 55-year-old bout with brittle diabetes (I was his caregiver).
The next morning, two doctors were waiting for me. Dad had had a cerebral hemorrhage over night. Rather than break up the clot in his leg, the Heparin gave him a brain bleed. He never regained consciousness.
He gave assembly-worthy presentations in his unpretentious, humble way to staff and fellow patients. When up and about before this last hospital stay, he was helping friends, family, and strangers.
I wish everyday he and Mom were still here, despite the rough times we did have as a semi-dysfunctional family of JWs. Your story resonates with all of us.
i've begun to suspect this act - this will - this compulsory muse which i call "writing" is, in fact, the illusion of catharsis.
like a mirage shimmering far off on the horizon i gaze upon the unreachable waters of a quiescent mind.
and far too often i've trekked through these shifting sands of unrefined ideas and abrasive conclusions towards that placid falsehood.
If I might share my own version of the same, Coded Logic, written many years ago when I was stumped. Yet, somehow, I got it on paper.
He has been reading, absorbing, the literary light from an age past, yet not one so far removed from his very own.
When, once again, ready to put his thoughts to paper, the writer shall do so, not with the puerile urgency of earlier days, but with a reserve and a deliberation more characteristic of his enlightened today. Levels of inspiration lowering degree by degree, he has been completely drained of any thought, any emotion, that would otherwise be siphoned from the mind's well of ink now stoppered. Such reflections and reveries must patiently await the gentle transfer to an empty page, given life, only then, by print.
Minus a clever mechanical facility, this man abandoned cannot prime the pump, get it chugging and, thus, replenish the mind's reservoir, which has been allowing only a trickle of scribbled mediocrity to escape sparingly.
For that reason, the crestfallen writer will away to the pages of other writers' books in hopes of discovering a light to replace his own failed.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
Thanks, OrphanCrow:
You responded with what I described, yet I could have the books wrong. The image I recall is of Jesus in the right hand corner facing his audience to the left in the illustration. It's much more compact, a closed-in group, than the above. Something architectural was amiss.
Good try, however!
i didn't manage to last the whole broadcast.
it was so unbelievably boring that i only managed halfway before i switched it off.
in this broadcast anthony morris iii (who i affectionately call "the don") stresses to us the importance of studying - not one - but two of their publications in order to understand the bible.
When I was at Bethel, Br. Knorr explained the reason for the LAMP book (to be studied with prospective Witnesses).
He said that people were becoming JWs, coming in the front door, so to speak, but leaving through the back door. Apparently, having a better and more complete understanding of the Bible would ensure one's remaining in the faith.
Has it worked?
i've begun to suspect this act - this will - this compulsory muse which i call "writing" is, in fact, the illusion of catharsis.
like a mirage shimmering far off on the horizon i gaze upon the unreachable waters of a quiescent mind.
and far too often i've trekked through these shifting sands of unrefined ideas and abrasive conclusions towards that placid falsehood.
The instinct which creates the arts is not the same as that which produces art. The creative instinct is, in its final analysis and in its simplest terms, an enormous extra vitality, a super-energy, born inexplicably in an individual, a vitality great beyond all the needs of his own living — an energy which no single life can consume.
This energy consumes itself then in creating more life, in the form of music, painting, writing, or whatever is its most natural medium of expression. Nor can the individual keep himself from this process, because only by its full function is he relieved of the burden of this extra and peculiar energy — an energy at once physical and mental, so that all his senses are more alert and more profound than another man's, and all his brain more sensitive and quickened to that which his senses reveal to him in such abundance that actuality overflows into imagination.
It is a process proceeding from within. It is the heightened activity of every cell of his being, which sweeps not only himself, but all human life about him, or in him, in his dreams, into the circle of its activity. -- Pearl S. Buck
i've begun to suspect this act - this will - this compulsory muse which i call "writing" is, in fact, the illusion of catharsis.
like a mirage shimmering far off on the horizon i gaze upon the unreachable waters of a quiescent mind.
and far too often i've trekked through these shifting sands of unrefined ideas and abrasive conclusions towards that placid falsehood.
My 90-year-old neighbor, a British American, is a published author who has taken his experiences as a Nazi hunter during WWII and put them into cat-and-mouse political thrillers.
His method? Write a page a day, a page a day, a page . . .
Writer's Block
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
As a designer/artist myself, there is nothing more stultifying to free personal expression than claustrophobic life in a highly controlling religious institution. (How did you manage it CC?) -- Half banana
I couldn't manage any longer. So much was demanded of us young, early-20s brothers. We never got a break from nonstop Theocratic Activity, both at Bethel and in the congregation. I had to leave before my four years, in despair because I loved my work there. This was long before knowing TTATT.
I'd like Compound Complex ( madly hard work, I know) or any other pro artist to tell us, over the years if it's the SAME lion??!! My husband and I have a bet that its CLarence the cross eyed lion ( with eyes now paradise PERFECT, obvs!!! )!
Co Complex I used to think it was all bunkum but I *do* take the advice of professional artists as to whether there is, or has been in the past, some kind of subliminal craziness going on. -- Diogenesister
I will have to look into this, Dgs; however, I discovered, when at Bethel, at least two (more?) mistakes in the non-colorized drawings in Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God. One was the incompletely rendered railing of the podium where a beardless Jesus was addressing the Jews. ('Today, this scripture has been fulfilled.') Another, a little girl playing with a huge, maned lion in Paradise. The head was outsize, the body diminutive.
I cannot recall if these artists' errors were ever corrected.